Grifo is a cooperative winery born in 1960 thanks to a group of winemakers who decided to put the concept of Us before the idea of Me. To be and to work together in order to achieve more. It is situated in the Puglia region, “slopes down to the sea”. It is always sunny, but never too hot, and there’s always a breeze. The vines are dried and touched by sea breeze. This special climate allows them to avoid every unnecessary treatment in order to preserve the fruit. Everything that grows in the Murgia and the Conca di Bari areas, which meet at Ruvo di Puglia, is the fruit of centuries of back-breaking toil. Today, these lands can look forward to a rosy future, thanks both to their intrinsic values, and to the natural gifts they have received. It is no coincidence that the wine made here is – at long last – being seen through new eyes both in the rest of Italy and throughout the world.