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Pantaleone is a small family-run organic winery, located outside of Ascoli Piceno, in the Marche region. 


The vineyards and winery are immersed in a valley surrounder by a moat named, “Pantaleone”.  The moat dates back to an ancient folk legend that the locals still tell, according to which the land had a strong ability to create grapes with full-bodied structure.


Typical of this valley, are the height and exposure to the southeast of the vineyards that allow the formation of a very characteristic temperature range of 25 degrees Celsius by day and 12 degrees by night. This is one of the most important factors of the vineyards and the uniqueness of their wines because it promotes the natural formation of substances that are varietal peel and determine the scents and colors of the wines.


Pantaleone, is a special vineyard that has been left untouched with a natural balance for the environment and fruits thereof.  Balance, environment, territory, are the key words that revolve around their wines, to create natural products from the beginning.

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